Friday, June 22, 2012

Service Rewards Civility

What is the most effective approach to discuss an issue that you may have with a product or service received from a “for profit company”? 

The first person that manages a complaint is a service attendant. Service attendants are those people on the front line of companies that just “aim to please”.  Let’s examine what typically happens when we call in or walk in a complaint in the following situation.

We discover that there is a problem with a service or merchandise that is paid by our hard earned, often stretched dollar.  

Early in your decision to contact the servicing company, decide your desired outcome.  You may be asked, “What results would you like to see?”  A reasonable resolution, considering your rights and the warranty and guidelines associated with the product or service.

Formulate a clear description of the problem before calling or going into a service center.  Clarity of the problem will set the stage for smoother interaction. 

Also, a key to success is “calm”.  Calm is the posture that turns cream into butter. 
Even when you meet with an attendant who is abrasive or curt, your calm will help remove the apparent dis-ease that they bring to you.

Next, follow the process that the attendant suggests.  Cooperation and calm sends the attendant the message that you are patient and willing to work with them to solve the issue.  When we ask for help with a problem, we must allow them to do their job.  If a question is asked, answer it. You will be taken more seriously.  Also, be prepared to accept mistakes you may have made with the product or service.

When a solution is offered, you will either like it or not.   If you like the suggested resolve, that is great.  If not, ask to negotiate with the company toward your satisfaction. Explain, calmly, the problems caused by the malfunction. Tell them what you expect and would like to see happen. 

The attendant may or may not be able to satisfy your request.  Ask to speak to a manager at the next level.  Often, management must authorize decisions made beyond the ordinary.  Remain calm throughout the process.

Should your issue remain unresolved after speaking with local management, seek a corporate contact.  You should be prepared to write to them, requesting reconsideration.   The approach remains the same.  State the problem; state other complications the problem caused (i.e., wasted time and money); state your history with the company; then, suggest how you may be satisfied. 

Even if you are dissatisfied, avoid abrasive communication.  Displays of anger or loud outburst rarely created desired outcomes.  Cordiality goes a long way when negotiating with a company that has the power to give you the satisfaction you feel you deserve.  In the end, you will feel better that you did not lose control, remained humble, but firm, keeping your dignity and your health.

Each time I have used this method, I have received optimum satisfaction.  Service rewards civility.

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