Saturday, September 28, 2013

Communication by Force

Communication by Force

While trying to answer a telephone call from a spiritual advisor, I inadvertently missed the as a result of a call drop.  I returned the call immediately, but got voicemail.  I waited three minutes to call and again was sent to voicemail.  I hung up; then received a call about ten minutes later.  The beginning conversation was about the fact that it took us about 12 minutes to connect a cell-to-cell phone call.  We were both trying to force a call through to each other with constant callbacks, without waiting after each initial call.  Several things are noteworthy during the fifteen minutes of failure to communicate.  (1) A dropped call, (2) returned calls from both parties during the same time period (phone lines are jammed, creating friction), causing (3) busy lines and an inability to make contact (creating unforeseen perceptions).

When the lines of communication between two parties are disrupted, for whatever reason, clear messages become distorted, and are likely to fail altogether.  In many ways, the chain of phone call attempts in the paragraph above parallels an occurrence of people making a face-to-face or device-to-device effort to talk.  When two parties attempt to talk, but miscommunicate, significant nuances occur and potentially become a barrier to a flowing conversation.  Forcing issues on one another, without establishing clarity, can, and do drive parties farther and farther apart.  Negative persistence by one creates resistance by the other, thereby resulting in further strife and conflict. 

The message here is that force is a barrier to communication.  Patience, clarity and nonresistance go a long way when trying to convey a message to another.  So, when making an effort to communicate with one where there is a barrier, wait for the lines between parties to clear, and then proceed with a smooth flow, without resistance.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

INSPIRED in 2013

Having many challenges and fears of my own, I have come to realize that by virtue of my birth I am worthy of all good from God that I can imagine.

I now: 

Pray that my gifts and talents are used to serve and please God.  Be my gifts.

Surrender to God and I don’t have to try so hard. Trying too hard is exhausting and stressful. E.g., I allow God to bring it to me.  My influence on others has no power unless they allow it.  Forcing situations is spiritually draining, so I avoid resistance. Go with the flow as opposed to against the tide. Be flow.

Use the lesson in circumstances to transcend them. Be transcendent.  

Break unwanted habits by focusing on what I want, as opposed to focusing on the habit.  I think of how good it feels to be the way I want to be.  I ask, “What is involved in what I want?”  I do that. Be that.

Give myself time to identify what fulfills me.  Be that. “It is not about the money,” as my daughter says, or the position on a job.  I have heard many times, “Do what you love and the money will come.”  It is true.  I ask myself, “What do I always do or want to do creatively and enjoyably?” Within this answer my gifts lie.  

Spend time each day connecting with God in my way. 

I give thanks for my blessings and I am continuously blessed.